

The 60,000 Year Experiment

Imagine 5,000 humans being raised ( in isolation ) from babyhood to the age of 12 years…..tutored extensively into becoming second stage humans…… All I gotta say is " watch out , you stupid primates: SSHs will compassionate, they will be logical and non-predudicial ( ???? ), and they will be relentless. " The meek may inherit the earth ; it will be run by SSHs.  Sophontry will advance.
I interviewed ????? , "the most hated man on earth". My interview follows:

Possible Topics:
Mentoring ASI
Space Drive
Zero Point Energy

 Ramblings ....

60K     60KYE   9960KYE    99xeno   99xeon
DN20100520001D     60,000 Year experiment  9960KYE    5,000 times 12 years  60K  99novel  PHASE XENO ( or XEON ) HUMAN   99;     99IPPP   99sophont2     sophie2

PHX  ( "Fixer" )   PHASE XENO Human      approaches UTOPIA incrementally   20101112  

UIC  --  Unintended Consequences
DarkHorse --  woman who ramrods the 5000 project ; anyone who does something startling
PT ( peetee )  phase two human   --  phase 2 sophont
PO ( poe )    phase one human

VIDEO   Planet of the Apes  ( include )

-- rich guy     guillermo manera de camina          william "manner of walking"   guillermo puerta
-- rich guy     Stephan Trabah
-- wandering asshole    Ekart Long   "most hated man on earth"  scapegoat  constantly protected by 5000 who affectionately call him the wandering asshole.  EL or WA is constantly protected by the 5000.  His life is one of confusion, uncertainty, and metaphysical learning.
-- woman director  Darkhorse  Jane York      always referred to as Blackie
-- disciples  
     Mimi Chong
     Kiyoe McLeod
Judge Napolitano on the Supreme Court   constantly protected from assasination
Jillian and her curtsy
Howard Michel
Flippee   --   enhanced dolphin
Dennis Quaid
Russell Brand
Lazarus Long
Joel Grey
Jane Hornberger , Daniell Bordeaux , Stone Richman , Rondal Paul ,  Roxanne "rabbit" Feynman


voice to text application

Enclave location   ( bribe-able )
   Russia   Siberia
   Costa Rica
   Pemba   Tanz    ' Bus to Pemba '

 Howard Michel
 Lean Thinking
 Jack Black
 Ron Paul

characters don't feel guilty about their SIL ( secret intense life )
does this involve double-tracking or simply not speaking

3 states of current humans   physical, dinosaur/reptilian brain - emotions , intellectual/rational    REP ( rational, emotional, physical )   blend into each other

Possible alliances...................
no FDA in Mexico

There is an air strike against a location in Mexico.
retaliation is swift , unambiguous , not-public  ; consists of complete
public exposure of certain politicians plus injuries or death for some
politicians in the manner of UIC.

quad en Tierra del Fuego    ( land of fire )

Dispute over mosque in center of Manhattan

Unusual brain structures
Author : Lawrence Durell
        * Justine (1957)
        * Balthazar (1958)
        * Mountolive (1958)
        * Clea (1960)

In a 1959 Paris Review interview, Durrell described the ideas behind the Quartet in terms of a convergence of Eastern and Western metaphysics, based on Einstein's overturning of the old view of the material universe, and Freud's doing the same for the concept of stable personalities, yielding a new concept of reality. For all the novels' experiments with chronology and viewpoint, for many readers the appeal lies in the luxurious beauty of the writing. Though the books are often dismissed as pretentious[citation needed], it is difficult to find writing that so prodigiously and intricately recreates atmosphere, place and fleeting emotion with such style. Celebrity admirers of the book include the British politician and ex-leader of the Conservative party, Iain Duncan Smith, who named the Quartet as the one book he would take with him to a desert island.

Linfield    prefers security to freedom
Howard Michels     UR and KOO  <== gods     loved to look at young bodies with large breasts   Estonian girl
Gillian Hartnel       her and the Prince Charles

Sara Moore
the Hawaiian
Laura Measom     volleyball   bent her wrist almost 360
Grand Lake one night stand
Like salander

Protection / Shields / Inventions / Technology
remote viewing , body shield , Arcology shield, quantum entanglement communications / data transfer , detection of bombs ( of all types )[ energy concentration ]

Personality Traits
Non-violent, inquisitive , thoughtful , slow - choice making ( decision means kill )


Farenheit 451 had pablum TV
Werner Herzog
Klaus Kinski

I want cyberpunk skills

each one is numbered uniquely from all others in the series
There was a author who always had a color in the title    Titles have a reference to brain parts
amygdala , optic nerve , 

Personalities in the QPS ( quantum personality simulator )   capture essence of pesonality    converse of 15 minutes of fame
John Wayne
James Bond
Michael Jackson
Richard Feynman
Robert Downey , Jr.
Mickey Rourke
Russell Brand
Craig Ferguson
CF's friend   Stephen Fry

Babies   ; breeding
Global warming
Pornography    child , adult
Space flight
Short selling
   lizard brain    reptilian   dinosaur

evolvement scale

0  .2   .4   .6  .8  1.0   1.2   1.4    1.6   1.8    2.0
1x                9x 10x                             100x

Writing style
   Girl with Dragon Tattoo

refer to ports as agents   port 80    port 21

Black ops    no killing   no injury    exposure and embarrassment and embarfment

STORY and chapters

It is hard being the most hated man on earth.  Even after 7 years of being despised, hunted, and vilified by the whole world  ..... WA still was hurt by minor insults.  He hated his anonymity.  He understood that he had to have a low profile to survive.  Even so, he hated it when he was ignored.  He wanted to shout....  "Hey , this is Tom Simon and I am important .....  I have big ideas  .... I am smarter than any of you guys".   But he knew that would cause problems and he was not even sure his real name was Tom Simon.  He was pretty sure...  97% sure  .... But he had not used his real name for 7 years and his memory of events before that 7 years were fading.  He was used to using whatever name his protectors had currently given him.  He just read his latest identity off the license and credit cards he carried.  His handlers always made sure his new name was one he could pronounce.  ! Zeus !  ! Shriek !  Sometimes he hated those guys and sometimes he absolutely hated those guys and sometimes he just didn't care.  He really never felt fondly toward them..... they had hurt his pride in a way that would never heal.  It really annoyed him that his credit card never ran low , his ID was never questioned.....  He felt he was in a large prison box... a box the size of the whole world.  Speaking of which... he wished *they* would let him travel off-planet.  For some reason, that was verboten.  Maybe *they* did not have as much power off the earth.  As far as he could tell * they* did.

Some of the fun ... some of the spice of life had left when he discovered that he was never in danger.  No matter how recklessly he conducted himself , he never got in trouble.  If he hurled an unforgiveable insult at some big hulk... he was never punched out.  If he smashed a bar window by hurling his beer mug ..... no police ever showed up.  And *they* keep ordinary people off his back.  Come to think of it... he was ordinary too.  That is one of the things he hated about *them*.  In that respect he was in agreement with 99.99993571 % of humanity.  ( That was ~45,000 divided by 7 billion )  It was a rough approximation of how many of *them* there were versus the great ( and not so great ) unwashed masses.

At this point ... I want to interrupt... Now I am the POV in this story.  I am one of the PeeTees [ PTs ] currently assigned to watch over WA.   This is not an assignment that I look forward to... but someone has to do it.. right ?  My name is Sharque Feinstein ...... hey !!! I didn't choose the name originally... It will do for now.  A rose is a rose is a .... anyway this is not something I worry much about.  I can change my name anytime I want.  Maybe I will in the future.  I am going to tell you about how this all got started.  About how the Wandering Asshole got his name.  About his big idea.  About how his idea actually got funded.  About how different it turned out from what WA had in mind.  I guess none of us would have guessed in advance what happened.  We have some really, really smart PeeTess and I don't think they would have come close to guess-timating this particular outcome.  Some of them are bat-shit smart so maybe I am wrong about that.

Anyway .... let me start at the beginning of what I think is the beginning.  I am not going to do a James Michener and described gas clouds condensing , a solar system forming , a volcanic earth and all that crazy shit.  No... for me the story begins when WA is showing off for his girl friend in front of a man friend of his.  I guess there was some sexual competition going on.  I don't know for sure since I know about all of this second or third hand.  The girl was Jane York ..... that's right ... Jane York ... Darkhorse  ... The Jane "Darkhorse" York.  And the guy was Stephan Trabah.... If you don't recognize ST's name ; that is all right... he always treasured his privacy.  And even though he became a billionaire... he was never famous.  Also his contribution to the creation of the PTs was sort of an accident.  He has watched the whole project unfold with a sort of detached amusement.  And he never reveals to anyone that he was involved at all.  [ So I am asking you to keep that piece of information to yourself. ]  Neither WA, or Darkhorse or ST had shown any clues of what was to come.  They were 3 students starting college.  In fact , ST dropped out his first year and started working on what would become his first million dollars and so on... up to about 6+ billion dollars I think.

tap into antimatter leaking from another bubble universe    use it to power all sorts of stuff

Unintended Consequences    Henry Bowman    get that book



Begin forwarded message:
From: YES NOPE9 <yes@nope9.com>
Date: March 29, 2010 6:45:05 PM MDT
Subject: 99cyasr good to use for 60KYE insurance companies license drivers



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Let Insurers Issue Driving Licenses to Illegal Immigrants 
December 25, 2007
St. Paul Pioneer Press, San Diego Union-Tribune, Sun Journal, Hour (Norwalk, CT)

The controversy about issuing driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants overlooks one possible solution: allow auto insurers to test and “license” such individuals.
On safety grounds, drivers and vehicles need to be tested to see that they meet required standards to reduce the risk of accidents. They also need to be insured so that those who cause accidents can at least pay the costs they impose on others. But unlicensed drivers can’t get insurance, which might explain why an estimated 14 percent of U.S. motorists operate uninsured vehicles.
The problem is that government-issued driver’s licenses serve many purposes beyond certifying the knowledge and competence of the driver. They are used as identity documents, which not only provide a path to social services, voting and citizenship but also give the holder access to public buildings and transportation facilities that require identification.
Authorizing insurers to test and license drivers and vehicles would eliminate these problems. A driving permit issued by an insurer or an insurance industry-affiliated organization would not provide a path to citizenship and could not be used as an identity document. But it would improve safety.
This is not a far-fetched idea. Placing responsibility on insurers is common in maritime transportation, for example, where safety is taken seriously - and ships and ships’ officers are tested and licensed by Lloyds of London and other insurers.
Because they could be held liable for any injuries caused or suffered by those they license, insurers would have compelling incentives to keep unsafe drivers and vehicles off public roads and probably would do it better than the government agencies now responsible.
For example, an October 2007 report by Maryland’s Office of Legislative Audits determined the state Motor Vehicle Administration’s accountability and compliance level was “unsatisfactory” in that required documentation was not always obtained for licenses issued and that driving licenses were issued even to dead people.
The report was particularly concerned about the implementation of Maryland’s Ignition Interlock program, which requires those convicted of drunken driving to have their vehicles equipped with devices that prevent them from starting if excessive alcohol levels are detected.
While Maryland’s MVA staff failed to properly enforce this program, can you imagine an insurance company, with tens of millions of dollars at risk, failing to enforce such an important deterrent?
In its 2000 report “Unlicensed to Kill,” the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety showed Maryland’s inability to control unlicensed driving was not unique.
According to the report, the percentage of unlicensed drivers in the 1990s varied from 6 percent in Maine to 23 percent in New Mexico. Unlicensed drivers were found to be almost five times more likely to be involved in fatal crashes than licensed drivers, and 20 percent of all fatal accidents involved at least one driver without a valid license.
Testing and licensing by insurers could thus improve safety and reduce the number of uninsured drivers on our roads, without perpetuating the political problems created by government licensing of illegal immigrants.
It might also help resolve another controversy: allowing Mexican trucks to operate on U.S. highways. If insurers took responsibility for testing, licensing and insuring foreign vehicles and drivers, American road users would have less cause for worry.
Some might object to insurer licensing on the grounds it would give excessive power to insurance companies, which would try to maximize profits by insuring only the lowest risks. But so long as there is competition among insurers, applicants turned down by one company could go to another, and policies would tend to be granted whenever risks were covered by premiums.
In a competitive market, insurers would have an incentive to develop and insist on the use of safety measures such as Ignition Interlocks for alcoholics and devices to prevent elderly and long-distance drivers from falling asleep at the wheel.
Issuing driving licenses to illegal immigrants should not be the source of so much controversy. It can be dealt with by creating alternative licensing options that place the responsibility fairly and squarely where it belongs: in the hands of the responsible insurers.

#60KYE   60000YearExperiment   60KYearExp  60KYearExperiment  #60000YearExperiment   #60KYearExp  #60KYearExperiment    LLPOH


Posted By Blogger to erasmus &amp; zarathustra at 9/05/2014 07:25:00 AM

#60KYE   60000YearExperiment   60KYearExp  60KYearExperiment  #60000YearExperiment   #60KYearExp  #60KYearExperiment    LLPOH

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