
Another fantasy world created by politicos

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said a decision to phase out nuclear power by 2022 can make her country a trailblazer in renewable energy.
Ms Merkel said Germany would reap economic benefits from the move.
Germany is the biggest industrial power to renounce nuclear energy, in a policy reversal for the governing centre-right coalition.
Mrs Merkel set up a panel to review nuclear power following the crisis at Fukushima in Japan.
The crisis, triggered by an earthquake and tsunami in March, led to mass anti-nuclear protests across Germany.
The anti-nuclear drive boosted Germany's Green party, which took control of the Christian Democrat stronghold of Baden-Wuerttemberg, in late March.
Analysts say Mrs Merkel may be eyeing a future coalition with the Greens.

Righto   Anything to flex power is a chance not to be missed by politicians.  I pity the pawns in this game.... the small folks that are far more important than the VIP   ID 10 Ts that control much of the small folk's destiny.  I am musing now about opportunity costs and the fact that these control freaks will not have to explain what a mess they made.  That's because 2022 is far away.  Oh the horror ........  I am betting that following IPPP would have been the way to go.   Zeus...... I hate democracy as it is practiced in this age.
