
What should Federal and State governments provide ?

Here is a list that I will be expanding on. The best description I have for myself is a "rational anarchist".

Should government provide .........

== Defense of our established gestalt ? This means repelling invaders who would change our way of life.
== Defense of "our" global interests ?
== Save people in other countries from evil ?
== jobs ?
== safety net ?
== healthcare ?
== border control and immigration control ?
== courts and a legal system ?
== regulation of medicine ?
== regulation of communications ?

more to come

Love me ... Love me not Photo Radar

What I found out on Thursday ( 2011m02d24 ) is that some people like being saved from a photo radar trap and some do not.
I set up shop upstream from a Denver, CO photo radar trap across from a school. The speed limit dropped from 30mph to 20 mph. Fines were doubled in this area ( I have no idea what the doubled fine would be ) I waved my hand, pointing at the school zone sign and held a sign in my other hand. The sign said "Photo Radar Fines Doubled Ripoff Ahead FUBARgov.US "

One person came out of his house and accosted me. He asked me if I had children. I said" Yes, I have two smart children". He and I traded rude comments and then he left. One person flipped me off as he drove by. About 10-20 people honked or gave me the thumbs up signal.

I will be posting a small video on youtube. Search for "99photoradar" .