
NoPotus in 2016 Create manger for DOD/DOO 99nopotus

I would enjoy seeing the Office of President of the United States eliminated.  One of the few things that is still required is someone to mange the DOD/DOO ( Department of Defense and Offense ).

The DOD/DOO would be limited to protecting America from attack by screaming , machette waving hordes from overseas or from Canada.  DOO would have virtually nothing to do.  Maybe create a letter of marque from time to time.   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letter_of_marque   ( One could say that a letter of marque meant yoou were in deep DOO )    The budget for DOD/ DOO could probably be around 100 billion dollars ( 2011 dollars ).  No DOD/DOO action inside the U.S....... No action by the DOD/DOO in countries across the world.  Just keep screaming hordes from invading.  No letters of marque enabling killing or torture.   Leave that up to the court system.

How about Ron Paul in 2012 and noPOTUS ( no full time slave-master ) for 2016 and beyond....
