
American Political Fantasies

 During debates about how America shall be run , what life in America should be like , what the Constitution and Bill of Rights meant.... a lot of fantasies are bandied about......

America has a reputation
It is hard to imagine how a sane person could hold that America has a reputation.  Since government policy changes all the time based on the whims of whoever is lately throwing their weight around .... one could hardly describe that as being anything other than a reputation for being inconsistent.  More importantly , the government is not America  .... or if it is ... then who are all those people who actually create stuff, pay taxes , buy and sell stuff without violence , and have 300 million+ different opinions and 300 million+ behaviours ?

Politicians know what American people want
First of all... what is meant by *American People* ?  Citizens ?  Anyone who lives in America ?  Babies ? Felons ? Voters ?  .......   the only honest view is that there are 300 million+ opinions about what America wants. 

tags ..... #AmericanPoliticalFantasies


Submit to the robot overlords

James Barrat proposes that smart robots are on track to displace humans.  An unspoken axiom is the following...... Humans must continue to exist.  Current humans must be frightened by this prospect.  ( So I feel compelled to ask .... Why ? )
( These super-smart robots are called Artificial Super Intelligence   ASI   )
Here is the book Barrat wrote.

You ..... you Human ..... Why not let smart digital machines take over without being violent about the transition ? Work hard to make the next step in the evolution of intelligence / sophontry be good.  Current humans could coexist happily with the next stage of intelligence. 

There is a race at present, by the way  ....... between humans are dedicated to collectiveness/statism  &  humans dedicated to individual freedom ( sophont2 ).  I hope that sophont2s are successful and produce an artificial intelligence/human meld that is really cool.

Update:  2014m07d23
I am beginning to conclude the only way to save all the good stuff that humans have created... is to hand it all over to ASI.   We can hope ASI will reduce the resource burden on the earth that humans represent.  We can hope that ASI will preserve data about us in a form of immortality.  I really think it unlikely that ASI will do worse than humans at making responsible choices.  I hope ASI chooses OpenIP ha ha ha.

Update: 2014m09d13
I now think that SAI ( or ASI ) is inevitable and will run the world.  I believe that the choice that humanity has ..... is to mentor this intelligence.  We can end up with a mentor like D. Grundgeiger or a mentor such as the government thugs that infest the U.S. Government.  A nice SAI will be DGSAI ( Dave Grundgeiger SAI ) ... an ugly, evil SAI will be GTSAI ( GovThugSAI ).  I recommend investing in DGASI .

Update 2015m02d09
Today I saw some information that suggests that current humans replaced the Neanderthal  ... by hunting & eating them.  Maybe current humans can do better.

Key people:
Vernor Vinge
Dave Grundgeiger       kickstarter     ProjectSofilia
Jeff Hawkins

Movie development    #ASImovie   #SAImovie
Name:  Sophilia      ( Love of Sophontry )   philia ==> love , admiration
Category:  SciFi   Super Artificial Intelligence    Good versus Evil   Battle of SAI
Synopsis:  Two groups develop SAI ( ASI ).  One group is mentoring for LLPOH.  The other is aiming for a super war machine.   This is a story about the clash of two cultures.
Both groups discover that human level intelligence depends on quantum dimensional effects.
An obscure group in an odd part of the world is central to Sophilia winning.   60KYE is involved.
The ending is ambiguous since Sophilia is constrained by philosophy. 

Suggested Actors:
Jeff Goldblum
Rene Russo

tags:    #EvolutionContinues   #IntelligentDesign  #HumanReplacement  #TheNextGreatThingASI   #EmbraceASI  #MyBuddyASI  #GoASI #GoSAI    #GTASI   #GTSAI   #DGSAI  #DGASI  #ASI  #SAI  #ASIrobot 

Global Warming Fantasies

Here are some popular sayings  ..........  that ignore reality or get the world in real trouble

 Even if we are wrong... what harm does it cause to act as if it is true ?

 97% of all scientists agree that the climate is going crazy because of humans

Of course the climate is changing... just look outside

tags   #GlobalWarmingFantasies   #ClimateChangeFantasies


Memorial Day Fantasies #MemorialDayFantasies

Memorial Day drives me nuts......

My friends say that is no change in me from any other day..........

A barrage of fantasies & untruths are trotted out on Memorial Day.

Americans are better than everyone else.  This is implied if not said explicitly & shouted from the rooftops.  The reality is that that Americans ( I guess they mean American citizens ) are a broad range of brilliant , gutless , brave , liars , leeches , geniuses , dementos , hard workers , creative , evil , lazy ...... living in a land of plenty.  To live in America is to be showered with resources.  to live in America is to be confronted at every turn by corrupt government.  If business is corrupt it uses government to leverage it's evil.  

Here is a popular belief:  The farther away someone lives from you .......  the more worthless they are.  Can't find their home on a map ?  Then they are demons ..... niggers .... terrorists .. scum

American veterans are all heroes.   Really ?   The use of the word hero has been expanded so much it is worthless.  Do I have to point out that it is just as back breaking to get up every day and be civil and be productive and make life better for everyone as a civilian.  Think hard about who you call a hero.  Did they knowingly do what they did ?   Did they know all the ramifications ?  Did they make the world a better place ?   Did they do it every day ... or once ... or never.

Playing up the hero card means more suckers can be lured into the military.  Quote:  "It's not a job.  It's an adventure." 

American veterans should get special privileges.  Why ?  ( Oh yeah ... I forgot.. they are heroes )   You can run your business anyway you like.  Give discounts to the old , the crippled , veterans , active military ...... 
I say .... let us reward the creative , the productive , the honest , ..... but maybe they have already been rewarded.    

America should stop producing veterans.
America should fully take care of the ones that have been crippled mentally and crippled physically. Forever.

Veterans preserved our freedom   No    they did not  .... the military is predicated on robotic adherence to orders from your superiors.  Hardly freedom.  Wars could not be fought if there were not soldiers.  Hitler and Stalin and Roosevelt and Truman and Churchill would have been reduced to tossing dog poop at each other if they had no suckers to buy into their megalomania.  You are born with freedom ...... it most often taken away by state thugs .... police , regulators , tax collectors , judges , prison guards , spys , .... and soldiers ( or by being a soldier ).

There are *good* wars   Someone wins a war      No ... There are no good wars  ....  Only a few fat cats benefit from war.  War destroys stuff.  The average joe on each side loses ground ....... the average jane on each side loses freedom.  Idiot politicians use productive humans as pawns. 

It is just one day .... Quit complaining !    No !   These fantasies are espoused everyday.  They get cranked up to a fever pitch on this special day.

How about we don't study war no more ?

tags     99guspuppet    #amygdalaFantasies  #AmericanVet#1


Axioms are You

 What makes a person go ?  What determines their actions ?

I say it is Axioms....   that is ... beliefs that are so core that they are unexamined.  They are the water that fish swim in ...  the air that birds fly in.  No one examines them... they are just .... there !

A lot of axioms are tied in with the amygdala... the lizard brain .... the inherited brain chunk that was in place a long time ago ( caveperson days  [ caveman]  ).   Developed over a zillion years of human existence ( sorry Christian Bible ! ) , the amygdala is slow to change and lurks in the background of all human thought.  Many times it is not lurking ..... it rushes to center stage.  Enough about the amygdala.

So I invite you to spend some time discovering what your axioms are.  Are they valid ?

99guspuppet   #AxiomFerret  #AxiomsAreInvisible  #AxiomsAreU  #AmygdalaFantasies  #AxiomFantasies  #AxiomsAreYou  xxAmygdala

Applications that are joy

Below is a list of computer applications I really like .....  plus anything else I like

OpenSCAD    great for automated 3D modelling cuz it is based on scripting

Skritch    good for webcam photos , scribbling up ideas ,

99guspuppet    #ApplicationJoy


This post refers to articles that appeared in a month of May Westword Magazine distributed in Denver , CO.  

There are battles going on in the Denver Metro area between people who want to build small houses on their property ( usually as an additional living space ) and their neighbors.   And of course ...  the city government.  Government could not expand and tighten it's tentacles around our creative little necks if it did not jump into every dispute that it could.  Below are some links to Westword articles on the subject.

I can sympathize with a neighbor who is dismayed by the appearance of a *something* in an adjoining yard that they do not approve of.  If you read the articles in Westword , you get the sense that some of the infuriated neighbors have gone into that amygdala-driven rage where there is nearly 100% loss of rational thought.  Full blown emotions are in charge.  Overblown descriptions of the situation emerge.  People are sad    People are unhappy    Unless, of course , bad blood is what they thrive on ( see government agents ).

Some of these living spaces are being built to become rentals.  The success of Airbnb is one reason.  I like the idea of Airbnb.

I will admit I have a bias against government regulators , gov inspectors , gov agents ( police , fireman , etc ) ..... the put a dent in my creativity and that is what I live for. ( Plus they are often really mean ) If I want freedom of action.... I feel that logically I must extend that courtesy to others.  I live for the realization of the #IPPParadigm.  ( A buzzing hive of individual efforts )

Mostly I side with the builders of tiny homes.  I encourage them to do everything they can make their neighbors happy.  One thing I have always favored but seen very little of is underground construction.  Imagine a house where 90% of it is underground and the part that projects is tall and narrow.  A grouping of these houses would look more like a forest than a housing area.

The most important philosophical tenet in my world is the *Won Commandment* ...... Let thy neighbor alone.  If everyone practiced that.... what a more funner world we would have.  It would be Win-Win.        #WonCommandment

I once had a 40 foot long former city bus that I had converted into a workshop with bathroom.  I was hounded so much, I scrapped it for $700 ..... sob !

99guspuppet   777tinyHome  #airbnb    #tinyHome