
Obama's healthcare ... greatest good ?

Is Obama's healthcare program 'utilitarian' -- does it provide the greatest benefit for the greatest number?

I guess that the greatest number of people being permitted to withstand multi-layers of bureaucratic paper-shuffling, and physically shuffling to multiple offices is “good” in the way that “no child left behind” is “good”. The question then becomes, what exactly does that ‘greatest good healthcare’ consist of? It consists of multi-layers of government workers getting or keeping jobs to “administer” this leviathan of a “program”. It consists of physicians and other healthcare workers buried under paperwork that clutters the path toward providing healthcare. In the end, “the program” dominates over actual benefit to people in need of good healthcare. But I guess it at least spreads the obstacles to great health benefits to “the greatest number”.

Joanne Yamaguchi

99jbentham  99guspuppet  99obamacare

If space shuttle is doomed, do you tell the crew?

If space shuttle is doomed, do you tell the crew?

NASA has twice had space shuttles that disintegrated .... one going up and one coming down...  both times, some members of NASA believed there was a problem before the disaster occurred.  Should the crew be told about these concerns ?

If your answer is NO.... then I think your are a moral monster.  Ever thinking creature should always be told the truth... all the truth as it is best understood at the time.  At least they should be asked.....* do you want to hear the bad news ? *
