
Phrases I hate

 Phrases I hate

hate crime     I suppose a crime can come without hate... but I do not care

it is for the children     I think everyone is entitled to equal opportunity

child pornography      uh oh.. time to empty to brain and attack villains without thought    see also * it is for the children*

congrats on the birth of your baby   I don't think the earth is going to have a shortage of babies soon.....  plus... there goes the environment

Terrorist... Patriot     two sides of the mirror   meaningless

National Security     this label is applied to anything a slavelord  of Washington, D.C. wants to justify.

Why object... if you have nothing to hide ?   Maybe I have something to hide... maybe spying costs too much... maybe spying leads to other bad behaviour ... why do you want to be spied on ?

99guspuppet    777phrasesihate