
Modest Proposal for a Mobile Death Chamber

I am undecided about what to do with entities that are a continuing deadly threat to innocent people.  If I did favor the death penalty .... this is what I would do.

 for reasons of economy ... one and only one chamber would be built.  It would be shared.
all of USA would share.

nitrogen is pumped in ( cheap ... also safe when exhausted into the atmosphere )    canaries in cages around chamber are extra safety indicator.  Object of interest painlessly goes to sleep.

*victim* need not be strapped in.  Let her or him wander around.or watch YouTube.....

more than one *subject* can be processed each time  .....   pets can be euthanized at the same time .....
subject can be transported to the chamber via Greyhound Bus .... with luck the subject will dead when bus arrives.

OR ..... the chamber "travels" to the site in a semi-trailer.     for cost savings the death can be viewed on Deathtube.com     reporters and interested parties can stay at their office.

I intend to draw up a design diagram.    I plan to consult with the spirit of Rube Goldberg.  Feel free to submit your own.  Note: results below........


[A] Student attending seminar of "Why Big Government is Good" falls asleep*.  String attached to her head pulls the plug [B] to the "Internet of Things".  Quadracopter [C] loses control and plummets when IoT data is no longer available.  Vigilant meerkat [D] signals community to "run like hell".  "For your own protection" Surveillance Camera [E] records hysteria.  Watson computer [F] that monitors all activities on earth gets confused and it's light bulb [G] goes out.  Mouse [H] is startled and leaps off spring valve [I] that releases nitrogen [J] into modest correction device [K].
( i did drawing freehand in one pass , no corrections )

* or maybe she dies

tags   99guspuppet  #mobileDeathChamber   #iot