
IMAGINE an improved way of relating 88imagine

I ask the following questions:
A) Do you want a safety net for the poor and those down on their luck ?
B) Do you want to provide a pleasant life-style for the elderly who have failed to plan their own retirement ?
C) Do you want to have a viable safety net for children ?

If you do, then you can vote for Ron Paul as long as you do not insist that the government supply A , B , and C.  Instead of incompetently and moronically supplied social programs by the government , charities made wealthy by freedom from government can do a much better job.  It will mean a dislocation for the millions of idiots who currently hold government jobs and not only get paid ; they also choke the life-blood out of the competent in the private sector.  IMAGINE if GovEmps had to get a productive job.......

You can google 99guspuppet for more info on me.
I also suggest googling 88IPPP and 99IPPP