
What if Human Caused Global Warming is real ?

What if Human Caused Global Warming is real ?

Let me hasten to say that I feel that human knowledge is too sparse for GW to be acted on.  There is too much uncertainty.  And there is even less certainty about HCGW ( Human Caused Global Warming ).

Thought Experiment
Let us pretend that GW is caused by humans.  That the sea level is going to rise and cover NYC.  That hurricanes and tornadoes will ravage the lands.  That sweltering heat will kill all the plants ..... What should a thinking person do ? ( Assuming it is not too late )

#1  Stop having babies.  Each new human is a massive addition to the HCGW effect.  We are not likely to run out of existing babies any time soon.  And no more pets.

#2   Stop using energy.  Stop driving.  Stop buying big refrigerators.  Don't heat or cool your house.  Get lots of leaves to build a nest to cuddle up in.

#3  Stop having wars.  This one is so obvious I have nothing to say.

#4  Stop raising farting cows, doing so much farming, .....

#5  Stop celebrities, pundits, green activists from flying all over the world and using limos.

What fun !

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