
My Mother

My Mother
My Mother listens to me politely when I rage about the state.... about state sponsored killing and theft via taxes and the curtailment of freedom.  And I talk about how the brightest , most productive people are handcuffed by regulations and ground into the dirt by small-minded bureaucrats.

And I know what she is thinking ...... " what a waste of time and energy ....  why don't you chill out, Gus.  I get a Social Security check and the police have always been nice to me.  What is your beef... really ?  You pay your dues and then the government takes care of you .... "

So today she calls me.  Comcast has sent her 7 cease and desist emails.  She is accused of violating the Digital Millennium Act.  Someone she does not know has used bit-torrent to send her 7 baby pictures.  These pictures are for a friend to look at.  She does not know who the baby is, does not know the parents , does not know what bit-torrent is, .......  The pictures included an MP3 song called "That's My Kid" .... Now ComCast is threatening to pull her digital plug.

So I am supposed to fix this for her....  Take care of something she now thinks is *unfair*.  Oh yes ..... I am grumpy today.

Update 2014m02d06
I went over to Mom's today.  Someone had installed bitTorrent on her MacIntosh back in August of 2013.  Someone had turned on the wireless with no protection.  I turned off Torrent and defeated auto-start.  I turned off the wireless.  Now I realize I should have checked if anyone had turned on remote control of the the  Mac.  Duh......  Now I have a project for Friday.

99guspuppet    tags :  #MothersHelper