
Patent frenzy appears to be here again

 The news below makes me take a deep breath and sigh.  Patents and copyrights are another area in which entities line up to suck at the government nipples.  In this case nipple suckers are mostly being granted powerful rights to intellectual property.
The patent system and the copyright system are very flawed and have been gamed by the big boys in Government and Business. It is quite clear that there is a flow of money and favors between the USG and many large corporations. The patent system should not be expanded. Patents should not be lengthened or strengthened. It should be harder to get a patent ( by this I do not mean more paperwork , etc... ) and it should be easier to break a patent. Patents should not be granted for anything "obvious". The onus should be on the patent submitter. Sadly more power in any function of government ( and patents are a government function ) means more trouble for IOA ( inhabitants of America ). 99guspuppet
SANDY RIOS: The Patent Truth

Written by Sandy Rios on June 21, 2011, 03:12 PM

A radical overhaul of the U.S. Patent system is rapidly approaching. S23 passed 95-5 in the Senate in January and HR 1249 seems to be on track to be called in the House in the next few days. And now suddenly there is pushback. Congressmen are confused. Staffers are confused. The public is largely unaware and the pressure is on…from someone…somewhere to get this sweeping overhaul passed quickly.

Bob Pease and Jim Williams just died Examples of sharing

These guys are from my era  and they were examples of sharing, caring, non-czar like characters.  I will miss Bob Pease in particular.  He reminds me a great deal of one of my mentors ..... the late  Howard Michels .... another very very generous person.  The image of HM is poor quality... and is the only one I have.
