
Much ado about nothing we learn nothing new about Trump

the latest furor about Trump proves how shallow some Americans are.  talking about grabbing pussy , or killing cops or torturing sharks is talk.... just talk

Talk is completely different from action .... physical action.  sticks and stones may break my bones....but words will never harm me....

except that many 'mericans know in their heart they are a mob just waiting to rip someone apart.   ....why do people fear words ??????   because they know that many people cannot separate words and action   ..... it is a human thing and because of that.... i am sorry that i am partially human.

 Anyone who thinks carefully has concluded months ago ( it is now October 8 , 2016 ) that Trump is a clown prince and Hillary is a cold-blooded killer politician.  They are both quite evil ..... pick your poison.  Don't vote for either one of them.

A better issue for consideration is ..... do we need a POTUS ?    is the USA much too big to be anything but a war-mongering , violent torture regime ?

Voters ....... please try to regroup your thoughts   .........  strive for the #ZeroethCommandment.

author..... 99guspuppet