
BitCoin , it is a great moment

Lots of action around *bitcoin*  these days .....   some it is by some pretty big..... heavy ..... hitters.  I am very excited about the impact *bc* will have on Foggy Bottom.....  the slavelords , pirates , liars , thugs and control freaks that base themselves out of Washington , D.C.

May we live in interesting times .... Hooray

and hooray for anything that advances IPPP ...
 ( google 777IPPP )

99guspuppet     #bitcoin   777bitcoin

Dr. Walter Block has dustup with Loyola

Dr. Walter Block has dustup with Loyola University New Orleans

Below is my email to the president of Loyola University.

I refer you to this from Tom Woods. and this from the President of Loyola.


From: YES NOPE9 <yes@nope9.com>
Date: February 10, 2014 3:47:43 PM MST
To: pres@loyno.edu
Cc: Joanne Yamaguchi <joanne.yamaguchi@gmail.com>
Bcc: YES NOPE9 <yes@nope9.com>
Subject: Regarding Walter Block & distortions of his philosophy 99cyasr

Dear Sir ,

I understand that you have made some rather bold statements regarding Professor Block.  I have taught college level courses in critical thinking and I can assure you....

#1 You are confused about what Dr. Block is saying about slavery.

#2 Civil Rights legislation in the U.S. does require business owners to associate with others against their will.

Gus S. Calabrese
Denver , CO

99guspuppet     tags :  #WalterBlockDustup