

 The conflicts and unrest in Ferguson may appear to be about Michael Brown and his death.  It would be a mistake to focus on that aspect of the situation.  It is more important to look at these larger issues....

Justice for Michael Brown
There is no possibility of justice for Michael Brown.  He is dead.  Maybe you believe he can look down or up from wherever he is and see what is going on ?  Any prosecution of the police is revenge and will do no one any good.  It will cost time and money and produce nothing worthwhile.

Militarization of Police ( hate police )
This is a big issue and goes beyond how big the guns and how massive the vehicles are that the police have.  The central issue is the attitude the police have.   I am sure you have heard of "hate crimes" (1).  In an analogous fashion, I believe we have police with a "hate" problem.  Except for other police and their friends, most police hate everyone.  The police have an "us and them" mentality.  Some are better than others .... the police culture fosters this division.   Some of the rules are:  "Don't rat on your fellow officers" .... "Don't interfere with officers that are out of control"  .... " Lie to produce results " ... "Don't take any back talk"

Goals set for the Police
Police are sent out each day to do immoral jobs.   Collect revenue ( see Mountain View, CO ) , inflate statistics , arrest non-violent people doing innocuous things ( see drug war ) , arrest violent people who could be managed ( domestic violence ) , cultivate snitches , organize crimes and break the law to catch criminals.  Police have been turned into GovThugs.

Labeling People
This is a monstrously large issue.  It is complex and confusing.  Something has gone wrong when people are grouped according to appearance , ancestry , location , .....   The only correct way to judge people is by their individual actions.   Let me repeat that .....  by their individual actions.   Not by speech... not by twitters .... not by shouted slogans.  And self-labeling does not work any better than an externally applied label.

Society versus Individual Freedom
Does society have the right insist on conformity ?   Does conformity lead to happiness ?  Does conformity lead to productivity ?  Does conformity lead to the greatest good for the greatest number ?  A higher percentage of people are incarcerated in America than anywhere in the world.  What is this about ?   xxPrisonWorld

tags:  99guspuppet     xxFerguson   xxFergusonBattle   xxamygdala