
American fights for ISIS

Traitor ?

Douglas McAuthur McCain, 33, of San Diego was reported as having died while fighting as a member of ISIS.  This seems to be big news for a large segment of the American public.
I have to give the guy snaps for his name.  I love creative names.  I wonder if he made this name up himself.  I do not like what he was doing.  He was engaged in making war on other people.  I am not happy that he was killed.   I am happy he has stopped making war.
[as I am about anybody who stops making war]
I do not think he was a traitor.  What is the definition of a traitor ? (1)  None of us owe allegiance to America. (2)  What is America ?  A piece of land ?  The Federal Government ?  A mystical feeling ?  People born in boundaries of the USA ?  Did Douglas swear an oath to allege to America ? 
What he did owe allegiance to ... was the idea of individual freedom ...... the right to Life , Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness ( LLPOH ).  Douglas may have been unhappy... but he had no right to war on other people.
Police owe an allegiance to  LLPOH.  Politicians owe allegiance to LLPOH.  Regulators, teachers , butchers , bakers , candle-stick makers owe an allegiance to LLPOH.  This does not mean they have to lift 500 pounds fifty times or get up early or chant an oath.  It can be as simple as the Zeroeth Commandment .... "Let thy neighbor alone".
Make this your focus each day as you wake up.... LLPOH ... for yourself and for others.  And view each individual as an individual .... not as a member of some ill-defined group.

(1)  [the definition of a traitor is somebody who betrays X by helping or supporting the enemy. But this goes along with the assumption that ISIS is ‘the enemy’. If you start with the axiom that X, Y, Z is an ‘enemy’, that automatically eliminates inquiry into what is going on, and why. If the starting point is: anything named ‘ISIS’ equals enemy, then you ignore what the nature of the thing named ‘ISIS’ actually is] 

 (2) [‘Allegiance’ derives from the 14th century in reference to obligation of a feudal vassal to the lord. It was a different time. You are no longer a feudal vassal, a slave. Since the 14th century, among other changes, there was the late 17th century Enlightenment, the Age of Reason. To insist that allegiance is owed is to revert back to pre-Enlightenment with all of its blind acceptance of traditional customs.]

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