
IPPP Intelligent Puzzle Pieces Paradigm ... individual freedom

   #IPPParadigm  IPPP   Intelligent Puzzle Pieces Paradigm  ... individual freedom is power.  Imagine gazillions of intelligent puzzle pieces....  each one is a human.  ( linked to emergence of Sophont2 )   #individualLiberty

The IPPP was invented ( as far as I know ) by Donald Boudreaux . He has written an awesome 3 part article about how IPPs work. See the URLs below for more information. Briefly the idea is that the combined desires and intelligence of millions ( or billions ) of individuals self-aligning themselves in the giant puzzle of life is so much more effective than depending on a master ( slave-master ? ) puzzle assembler to put all of those pieces in effective locations and relationships. The only reason this old master assembler paradigm is still held in any kind of esteem is because of lizard brain thinking. ( see URL below )
The IPPP leads to more ethical results ..... from both a utilitarian view and a deontological view.

Donald J. Boudreaux is an economist from New Orleans, LA who became chairman of the department of economics at George Mason University in August 2001.
see parts one, two and three of DJB's exposition on IPPP ....

Politically Ron Paul is the politician most favourable to the IPPP .  No one is perfect.... Ron Paul comes the closest.  Even better would be to have NoPOTUS   .... create a manager for the DOD/DOO

Sophont2.0    sophont2dot0     sophont2dotzero
A brief history of history    According to some, a vacuum fluctuation occurred 13 billion years ago.  BANG !  Big badda BANG !  This universe sprang into being and started expanded.  Fast forward to a black monolith and then the monkeys start talking and beating each other over the head with clubs.  For the next 50,000 years the monkeys developed traits that worked for survival.  Think fast ! Run fast !  Think locally !  Love your tribe !  Worship the man !  All these instincts were burned into a part of our brain that we share with the lizards.... the LIZARD BRAIN .....

Now it is 1951...... a very important date in the dentable universe.  Joane Yamaguchi ( aka Sayaguma ) is born.... Gus S. Calabrese  ( aka 99guspuppet ) is hatched.....  they survive and hook up in 1995... steady doses of Richard Feynman , Steve Jobs , Jacob Hornberger ( & too many more to mention ) leads to an epiphany ........ SOPHONT2.0

Sophont2.0s will escape the limitations of the lizard brain, of humanity 0.9 , of endless war , politicians , democracy ,.......  they will escape into a combination of the cloud , meatspace and man-machine synergy. ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtZuYukZOIo )  Sophont2.0 is happening...  Hackerspaces are one manifestation of sophont2.0

A sophont does not label themselves or others.  Sophonts don't focus on Muslims , or Americans , or La Raza or Christians or terrorists ( terrorist is a label that has lost all meaning.... it is applied to everyone ).  Sophonts worship the individual...

update    2013m05d11     great article by Mike Spindell

EGYPT  spring ?
IPPP ==> http://egypt.dent-the-universe.com/EGYPT/Boudreaux_IPPP.html
Lizard Brain ==> http://egypt.dent-the-universe.com/EGYPT/Lizard_Brain.html

Egyptian spring was a flop

keywords   99IPPP    88IPPP  999IPPP   99sophont2.0  99sophont   777sophont2  777ippp  777sophont   777sophont2dot0     777sophont2dotzero   #777IPPP  #Sophont2  #IPPParadigm  zzIPPP  xxIPPP

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