
Religion and Public life in America

Religion and Public life in America

R.R. Reno has recently been published in Imprimis Magazine.

His article was entitled Religion and Public life in America....   Reno argues that religion ( and specifically Christianity ) should be free from government inspection and intervention.  I could not agree more.  Reno does not believe individuals should be free..... he believes that public life should be organized by smart people and that it should direct the actions of individuals.  And who could be smarter than he ?   So he believes that religion should have a special place in everyone's life.  And the government should enforce this cultural bias.

I on the other hand... believe that all religious driven actions should be allowed... as long as they don't violate someone else's freedom and property rights.  I believe that all non-religious driven actions should be allowed... as long as they don't violate someone else's freedom and property rights.  See the similarity ?

Churches should not be taxed.  Individuals should not be taxed.  Religiousers should be allowed to ingest sacred chemicals and beat themselves with sticks.  Individuals should be allowed to ingest chemicals and beat themselves with sticks. 

I also believe that children are NOT property and should have the same rights as adults.  This makes for some tricky situations.  No one should be brainwashed for the first 12-16 years of their life.

99guspuppet    99freedomFromReligion

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