
Activist Fantasies

A lot of activists get pleasure out doing things that are symbolic and pointless.   I guess living a fantasy is as good as actually making a difference.

Preserving the Earth
If you help produce one or more children .... you are a hypocrite if you talk about caring for the earth and it's environment.  Those children are life long consumers that you will exercise no control over.
If you congratulate couples on having a baby .... don't claim you are an environmentalist. 

Gun Control
If you want to remove all guns from the civilian population ... and leave them in the hands of the police, the military and GovThugs ....  then.... really ... you are not an advocate of preventing gun deaths ..... I don't know what you are   You certainly are not an advocate of non-violence.

Liberty, Freedom , ......
If you think terrorists deserve to be tortured ..... that collateral damage is okay .... that the U.S. Military should be distributed world-wide ( bases , air-craft , ships , advisors , etc. )
You are not a supporter of Life , Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness ( LLPOH ) ... Such things do not terminate at a political border, or depend on your citizenship or depend on your ancestors or how much money you have or what your job is or who you know ........  If anyone is left out of the LLPOH equation... then you can count me out of your flag-waving, jingoistic program.
If you love the police , prisons, laws , incarceration , prisons, wars on guns - drugs - sex ......  count me out.   I want people to be happy or at least free to take a shot at happiness.

Zeroeth Law .... Let thy neighbor alone

tags:   #ActivistFantasies      99guspuppet

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