
Osama Bin Laden dead ?

Whether this actually occurred or not ....... what a big lie and / or non-event.

If OBL is dead ..... what is changed in the world ? Did it bring closure to victims ? Was it worth the cost... I do know that it cements the concept that a lawful trial is UN-necessary before killing someone. Why have trials when popular sentiment is enough....
Obama is milking this for all it is worth .... look at me as the intelligent, brave commander. Out of all the options available to Obama ..... he took the one a 5 year old would choose. People are lauding the fact that days before the raid he did not come out and say with a smirk " I know something you don't know". Americans seem to have such low expectations of what a president should be capable of .... certainly not much in the self-restraint department.

We will continue to hear how every security program the USG is indulging in cannot be terminated. Oh .. the horror of dropping our guard or the spending.


1 comment:

  1. was this what the flags clinging to passing vehicles was about on Monday? these flagging americans were in the know. maybe they found out sunday night -- late breaking
    choreographed photo-op for Obama. "osama . . . obama . . .osama . . . obama . . . the name's the same . . . almost there . . . they are nominal bro's . . . osama . . . buried at sea . . . taking all your dna and oratory to a watery grave . . . that washes all evidence 20,000 leagues under . . . obama probably spent more time schemin' how to get you as a notch in his luciferian belt . . . a boutinier in his lapel . . . than playing golf . . .he was desperate to salvage his tattered ratings . . . to continue his picture-book of snapshots . . . of how he ruled the world from his perch on mount olympus . . . sent down a lightening bolt, aka navy seal, to look you in the face & kill you . . . "dead or alive" to obama would be a new kind of 'disjunction', eliminating the second disjunct . . . for obama it means "dead or dead" . . . no time to be cleaning up messes such as justice. better to just bury all at sea . . . so now osama you have joined obama's watery secret closet . . . stay in touch osama . . . you are the eyes that can tell what is down there . . . birth certificates? . . . delusions of grandeur . . . cunningly modulated to fool most of the people most of the time . . . unless you can warble the truth from the water closet . . . whoops I meant to say 'watery' closet . . . well, hell, why not call obama's secrets what they are . . . captives in his secret WC. . .


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