
Can we use fewer police and cheaper police ?

Can we use fewer police and cheaper police ?

Why are police force personnel generalists ?
A policeman issues tickets , arrests people , kicks down doors and eats doughnuts.

Why can't these functions be specialized ? and contracted out on occasion ?

Speed traps can be roboticized.  They are not about safety anyway.  They are revenue generators.  Police should not spend time pursuing victimless crimes.  Prostitution , drug use and sales, .... are none of the police's business.

Plus a *real policeman* should have job description as follows:

Protects the public from danger... risks life if necessary.... held responsible for mistakes made ...

Who am I kidding ???? Such people do not exist.....

Anyway... everytime you read about the police... ask yourself... did this action need to be done ?  If it needed to be done : what kind of professional ( or non-professional ) was required.

99guspuppet     99cheappolice

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